Résultats exposition Ludwigshafen (Allemagne)
Actualité publié le 12/08/2019
Ludwigshafen (D) - 11 août 2019
* Now of Lowlands Green Valley - 1st exc. CAC / CACIB / BOS
(Multi-Ch Jazz Prestige of Lowlands Green Valley & Insolence of Lowlands Green Valley)
* Paco Rabanne of Lowlands Green Vanney - 1st TP / BEST PUPPY
(Mugler of Lowlands Green Valley & Jour et Nuit of Lowlands Green Valley)
* Now of Lowlands Green Valley - 1st exc. CAC / CACIB / BOS
(Multi-Ch Jazz Prestige of Lowlands Green Valley & Insolence of Lowlands Green Valley)
* Paco Rabanne of Lowlands Green Vanney - 1st TP / BEST PUPPY
(Mugler of Lowlands Green Valley & Jour et Nuit of Lowlands Green Valley)
Judge: Mr. Rolf Blessing (D) que je remercie....