of Lowlands Green Valley

of Lowlands Green Valley Colley à poil long

Colley à poil long

Résultats expositions Belgique et Hollande

Actualité publié le 19/05/2019

of Lowlands Green Valley - Résultats expositions Belgique et Hollande

Return of a weekend of important exhibitions:

1) BELGIUM CLUB SHOW - Judge D. Weller (UK) :

* Multi. Ch. Jazz Prestige of Lowlands Green Valley : 1er exc. /3 males CCM - RCAC

* Now of Lowlands Green Valley : 3ème Exc/4 males CIM
Was also present :

* Intl, BE, LUX Ch. London Longed for Love of Lowlands Green Valley : 2ème exc. /3 males CCM

(Prop : Aline THIBAUT).... merci !!!

2) PAYS BAS - KCM - Judge C. Casling (UK) :

* Multi. Ch. Jazz Prestige of Lowlands Green Valley : 1er exc. /3 males CCM - RCAC

* Now of Lowlands Green Valley : 3ème Exc/4 males CIM
